Generating API Keys on Bitget
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you'll need to generate a specific set of API keys exclusively for Newsly. Follow these steps to generate your API keys on Bitget:
Login in to your Bitget account
Navigate to the API Management section to create new API keys. Select a dedicated Newsly account or sub-account to be used for Newsly.
Click on "Create API". You'll be prompted to choose an API key type. If you're not sure how to generate your own keys, select "System Generated API Keys".
Give the API keys an easy-to-identify note such as "Newsly" and create a passphrase. Remember this passphrase, as you'll need it for the integration in a few moments.
Select "Read-Write" and copy the permissions indicated in the image below to ensure your setup matches. Be sure to add the following IP to your API Key to ensure extra security:
Copy the API key, secret & passphrase to the bot and you should be good to go!